Sunday, November 8

Hazy, Lazy and Dog meat!

After visiting the Olympic Park and having a small rest (my respiratory system is not agreeing at all with Beijing's hazy and humid air!), we headed over to Tian'anmen square and the Quianmen shopping street for a bit of shopping.

Tian'anmen at night is kinda of like being on a movie set with all the lights everywhere. With the haze, it felt like we were in Stephen King's The Fog where monsters would come out of the mist.
The buildings were lit up as if it was christmas
I think this is the monument to heroes
And this is the people's great hall where hawkers were selling tickets to a special event that must have been going on
When we got to the shopping street, the first thing we noticed is all the rules!
The street itself is beautiful and again, lit up like a movie set
There were lots of people milling around, looking for the perfect souvenir or good deals
We found a quiet place to have dinner where Alex pointed out that they had dog meat on the menu. Thinking of Amy the Shih-Tzu glaring at me, I didn't order any dog meat, opting instead for pork buns. However, there must have been a mixup in the ordering system. When my buns were delivered, Alex noticed the symbol for dog on the sticker beside the dish. We confirmed with the waiter that it was indeed dog meat (although if we asked him if he liked it last time he visited the moon, he probably would have said yes as well). So there we go, I had dog meat! I can hear Amy whining that I ate one of her cousins.
The buns were pretty good, if a bit salty. Alex didn't want to taste them at all. We also had more traditional pepper steak
Beef with mushrooms
And eggplants with garlic
As well as delicious sweet and sour soup that I forgot to take a picture of.

I really didn't think I would have dog meat when I woke up this morning!

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